Dictionary of Linguistics, Military Strategy, History, Mathematics, Literature, etc. Lexicographical work the author’s linguistic and editorial universe. The contents are classified according to 5 nuclei of vocational content. The book is sequenced in three parts: Gears, Preparation, Action and Concentration suggesting a linear reading structure. The second part contains the entries and a footnote section called “Safe” where we can find some of the terms translated into other languages. The definitions sometimes present the idea through a quotation, as in an analogue dictionary. In the final part we find etymologies, use of diagrams, tables, images and typographical illustrations. Paulo de Cantos proposes different modes of research through 4 indexes at the end of the publication.
Paulo de Cantos
Publishing house:
Póvoa de Varzim
Print shop:
Tipografia Camões
Format (cm):
11,8 x 23,8